Monday 2 May 2011

Let's Have a Say

The purpose of this blog is to highlight people, events, places, arts, culture and anything that comes to mind about the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi.

 The Rural Community is the amalgamation of several small communities that flow along route 8, like McGivney and Boiestown, extends down to meet Doaktown. There are several communities that are off the main route like Holtville, Priceville and McNamee. There were 16 small communities that joined to become the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi.

Although not isolated by any means, the residents of Central Miramichi have vocabulary all of their own, that can confuse anyone that is "not from around here".  "Let's Have a Say" is a term used to signify the desire to have a chat.  This is what we would like to do with this blog, is to chat about our community.  For those of you, "not from around here", this will give you an opportunity to get to know us and for us residents, a reminder why this is such a great community.

Having a Say can be seen just about anywhere; in the restaurant, at the gas station, at the rink or on the road.

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